Selected Technique:
Controlled Modulus Columns
2000 CMCs
As part of the Humber River Hospital site redevelopment, The Daniels Corp. planned to construct a series of residential buildings over a shared parking structure. Due to the presence of unsuitable fill materials on-site, ground improvement was required to control settlement and improve bearing capacity in the deeper fill zones.
Ground Conditions
The soils consisted of a clayey silt fill material overlying a dense native till. The fill depths varied from 0 to over 10m across the site.
Prior to the ground improvement works, the area was stripped of topsoil and deleterious material and cut down to the approximate underside of footing elevations. Due to the site’s slope, several working platform elevations were established.
Menard Canada Solution
In order to bridge the loading from the footings to the dense native soils, Controlled Modulus Columns were selected as the preferred ground improvement method. The CMCs were installed such that the differential settlement between those footings established on native till and those in the zones of deeper fill was limited.
Over 2000 CMCs were installed to support the spread footings, strip footings, mat footings, elevator pads, and tower crane bases. The performance of the CMCs was verified using Static Load Testing.

Residential Development – Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario