Be Curious, Be Entrepreneurial, Be Simple

Every company has its own unique style and approach to its work. Our approaches to ground improvement are as unique as we are as a group. With this in mind, we would like to share with you a few of our core principles, as well as the way that we work and our approach to challenges. 

Be Curious

Being curious is the fundamental trait that all Menard employees have in common and is always encouraged. Why? Because curiosity naturally breeds innovation and demonstrates a real need to learn more about the subject matter to solve a challenge through a unique perspective. To us, it’s all about reinventing the way we solve problems. Therefore, we encourage staff to always ask “why” rather than following a “this is how it’s always been done” approach. Asking questions and being curious helps us always be open to new and innovative ideas, ideas we can then implement for the betterment of both our business and the clients we serve.   

Be Entrepreneurial

Here at Menard, we encourage each other to never refuse a challenge but to always refuse the “status quo.” Always strive for better by developing better ways of doing things, move forward with new ideas, and don’t fear exponential change, growth, or roadblocks. In short, move ahead with an entrepreneurial mindset, grow your team,  coach others, educate your clients, learn from your mistakes, and feel empowered to do it all, knowing that Menard as a whole is behind you, supporting you, and helping you be the best you can be. 

Be Simple

We work with a lot of smart people here at Menard. But often, being smart means keeping things simple. We have a true appreciation for simplicity, not only in our technical solutions but also in how we communicate with each other and our clients. This uncomplicated, straightforward approach to our communication style helps us all find solutions to challenges more effectively and with clarity, lowering the risk of miscommunication and streamlining our projects both internally and externally.

Work Hard and Have Fun

At Menard, we believe that quality hard work goes hand-in-hand with having fun, both at work through teambuilding activities and outside of work. This “Work hard, have fun” attitude we have at Menard is, in our belief, critical for employee satisfaction, work-life balance, and an overall more positive workplace. After all, you spend most of your time at work with other team members; we figure why not have some fun while doing it!